Keep your vehicles and outdoor gear safe from harsh weather with our durable prefab garages. They provide ample storage space for your equipment, vehicles, and more, ensuring your belongings remain safe and secure.
Seeking a private getaway for family and friends or a peaceful vacation spot? Maybe a cabin for your favorite hunting spot? If yes, our porch sheds are ideal for you. Visit our porch shed page for further details.
Imagine indulging in your passion for gardening all year round! If you enjoy tropical plants and vegetables, a greenhouse allows you to grow and enjoy them regardless of the season. Our greenhouses offer a beautiful space for nurturing your favorite greenery.
An outdoor dog kennel can bring joy to your dog and offer them their own space. It gives them shelter, keeping them safe from cold, rain, or heat. Select the perfect size and paint color for your property from our options at Northland Sheds.
At Northland Sheds, we offer the ideal chicken coop for any size. Select from two options: standard coops without runs and deluxe coops with runs, in ranch or quaker styles and various sizes. For more information about our coops, visit our chicken coops page.
More Storage Sheds & Structures near Grand Forks, ND
In addition to the sheds mentioned earlier, we also offer sheds at our Home Lot for quick delivery to your area!
Choose a shed you like and complete our inventory request form for more information. Ready to reserve? Simply make a down payment, and we’ll secure it for you. It’s that easy!
Building the shed is only part of the process. From the time you place the order until the shed is in your yard, we prioritize having the best customer service around. Part of this commitment is offering a professional delivery service for each shed we build.
Want to learn more? Hear what one of our customers had to say about the ordering and delivery process from the video below.